Sunday, October 26, 2014

Doin' Some Cookin'... Nonalcoholic Spinach Mojito Smoothie

With 12,300+ cocktail recipes how does one learn that they enjoy a short trip to hell with Batman? I kinda sorta hate when the bartender asks what I want because deep down I want to try one of those fun drinks and have the salty balls to tell the bartender, "Sex at my house and it needs to be quiet but quick." Props to Slutty Shirley for not giving a flying fuck.

Instead, I'll stick to a Coors Light when hanging with the boys or a strawberry mojito when I'm out with the ladies because those are safe bets that don't leave me standing in front of the bartender looking like more of an idiot.

Come to think of it, Starbucks makes me feel the same way when I order the mocha-choco-latte-ya-ya, real lady Marmalade. You know, if they are going to abbreviate your order on the cup, shouldn't they of all people understand what I want when I ask for a trenta PSL? (For those that may not know, that's a 30 ounce pumpkin spice latte and a whole lotta not sleeping.)

But we're not talking coffee here, we were talking about cocktails.

Now that Summer is over and sipping a cocktail by the beach isn't happening anytime soon, partly because I don't have the bikini bod I dream of, then I have all Winter/Spring to work towards that goal. Alcohol and my busy social life don't help with that goal either.

However, if you've already got that bikini bod or binge drank last night then this Nonalcoholic Spinach Mojito Smoothie is your hair of the dog helping cure hangover pains and tastes spot on to the boozy tropical treat. It's high in potassium, manganese, and B vitamins that aid with alleviating headaches, get you on with your walk of shame much with more pep in your step, and ability to enjoy a mojito in the middle of the workday.

Nonalcoholic Spinach Mojito Smoothie
Adapted from: PopSugar Fitness
Makes 1 Serving

Stars of the Show:
  • 1 cup vanilla soy milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • handful of spinach
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 of a lime, juiced
  • 1/2 cup fresh spearmint, stems removed
  • ice cubes
And Action:

Combine all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smoothie. Enjoy!

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