Monday, January 18, 2016

Livin' It Up... 96 Things I Will Teach My Son

  1. Keep your sheets clean and your socks cleaner.
  2. Keep your nails clipped and visit your barber often.
  3. Don't call her crazy. She's not crazy! ... and if she really is, RUN!!!
  4. Hold the door.
  5. Pay for her dinner.
  6. You're not entitled to anything in life.
  7. Learn how to iron.
  8. Learn how to cook.
  9. You're allowed to feel.
  10. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  11. You're friends don't have to know about it.
  12. Cheetos aren't a food group.
  13. That woman is photoshopped but so is that man.
  14. Be kind.
  15. Tailor your suit and shine your shoes.
  16. Clean up after yourself and help to clean up after others.
  17. Chaos is the order of the universe.
  18. Take a razor to it.
  19. Walk her home.
  20. Cologne and deodorant are a must.
  21. Empathy is wealth.
  22. Be interested in people. 
  23. Know how much you don't know.
  24. It takes two to tango.
  25. Eat well.
  26. Hatred comes in many flavors and none of them are good for you.
  27. Travel alone at least once because Wanderlust is not selfish.
  28. You don't feel more because you have more money.
  29. Heartbreak is a necessary life event so you can meet that one-in-a-lifetime girl and let her see right through you.
  30. Be the kind of man she marvels at.
  31. Be protective.
  32. Be defensive.
  33. Be sensitive.
  34. Let her be.
  35. She's powerful, brilliant, your equal, and can be your calm in a storm.
  36. How to throw a ball.
  37. How to tie a tie.
  38. It's not okay to be a sissy.
  39. Trust is earned, not given.
  40. The importance of hard work.
  41. The importance of physical fitness.
  42. Don't believe her when she says she's on the pill.
  43. How to swim.
  44. Be competitive.
  45. Opportunity is everywhere.
  46. Know who you are.
  47. Always give 110%
  48. Mean what you say.
  49. Make your own money.
  50. Excuses are useless.
  51. Excessive apologies mean you never learned your lesson.
  52. Be bold.
  53. Discipline is a must.
  54. Think BIG!
  55. You are a born leader.
  56. Save money.
  57. Know when to keep your mouth shut.
  58. Learn how shake hands properly.
  59. How to shoot a gun.
  60. Don't bully or harm but fight back.
  61. It's okay to say "no".
  62. How to go camping.
  63. How to fish.
  64. Car maintenance.
  65. Ask for what you want and don't be afraid to negotiate.
  66. Never tie yourself down entirely.
  67. Always stay positive.
  68. Pay your bills.
  69. Compliments. Compliments. Compliments.
  70. Be grateful for all you have and know you could lose any of it.
  71. Ask her to dance.
  72. Pay attention to little details and your surroundings.
  73. Share your appreciation of others.
  74. Have goals.
  75. Admit your mistakes.
  76. Make things that matter to you a priority.
  77. Show her you can be jealous.
  78. How to ride a bike.
  79. Read books.
  80. Life doesn't only have a beginning but an ending. 
  81. Help those in need as long as you can help yourself.
  82. Life is full of struggles.
  83. Knowledge is power.
  84. Don't rush relationships and don't drag them out either.
  85. Sometimes we need to lie.
  86. Never do drugs.
  87. Go easy on alcohol.
  88. Never settle in life.
  89. Intimacy is incredibly important in life. 
  90. Be honest.
  91. Know your moral compass.
  92. Your goal in life is to find purpose.
  93. Accept failures as life lessons.
  94. Never give up on your dreams.
  95. Your family is always there for you.
  96. Find the right group of friends.

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