Sunday, March 5, 2017

Livin' It Up... School Hacks

PhotoMath App:

When it comes to Little Man's education I am incredibly involved. Anything he expresses an interest in I try to encourage furthered study inside the home and we go over homework nightly. He knows if he makes a mistake he better have that eraser handy and this mama will go over it in depth to help him understand. He's incredibly smart and I like to challenge him. He started reading before he could walk, he learned how to multiply and divide before second grade, and has always been enrolled in advanced placement classes.

I'm not going to lie, as smart as I am and how book smart I am as well I struggle on occasion remembering math skill basics since I am allowed to rely on a calculator for any math problem I have. Little Man isn't allowed to do that and must show his work. While browsing Pinterest I came across the graphic below of School Hacks! and number two was just what I needed. I downloaded the PhotoMath app and it has been incredibly helpful with showing step by step instruction on how to solve problems. That doesn't mean he gets to use the app for every math problem but for when both of us don't know what step comes next or even where to start.


Prior to going to a Risk Management class in Austin, Texas for my job to learn more about cash flow analysis to further my skill set we were given an RMA Body of Knowledge that was 370+ pages and pre-course materials. I had to familiarize myself with these materials and spent 30-50 minutes studying at a time and then taking 10 minute breaks in between. Supposedly this is the most effective way to study.

Works for me since my mind will drift off while I'm studying. My study space has to be quiet and free of distraction.

Tip number three on the graphic below suggests you're more likely to remember something you write in blue ink than black ink. I am a black ink user so I stocked up on some blue ink pens to use during the class. The school hack noted below also states that writing something out is the equivalent to reading it seven times.

I also packed some peppermint candies since peppermint stimulates the brain and helps with concentration.

I think these school hacks really helped since I was able to stay focused in the class for the two days I was there.

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