Monday, March 14, 2016

Livin' It Up... Nailed It! OPI "Samoan Sand"

Nothing is more frustrating for me than staying up at night to give myself a manicure thinking I gave it enough time to dry and jumping into bed and waking up in the morning to a smeared and linty manicure just to have my nails chip over the next couple of days. The struggle is real. 

It becomes discouraging and I will go long periods without fussing with my nails or even taking off the polish just cutting down my nails and the polish with it as they get too long or break off. Lazy!!

I did some research on how to nail, ha!, my next manicure.
  1. Always use a base coat to prevent nails from staining from darker polishes and to give the polish something to adhere to which helps make the manicure last a couple days longer.
  2. Three strokes is all you need. Dip the brush in the polish and get a decent sized bead of polish at the edge. Start at the base of your nail and stroke to the left, to the right, and then up the center. 
  3. Always use a top coat and swipe to the tips to help prevent chipping when you are working hard at your 9-5 desk job pounding those keys on the keyboard. 
  4. Once nails are dry avoid household chores and hire a maid. Joking! But really, doing the dishes or taking a hot shower causes the nail bed to expand which forces the polish to expand as well and can crack. Doing the dishes is my biggest culprit. 
  5. Or, fake it 'til you make it and let the professionals do what they do best and get a manicure at a salon. 
I've also become a bit of a nail polish snob purchasing only the brand O.P.I. It not only is because of the formula but those cheeky names get me every single time. Right now I'm loving "Samoan Sand". I picked it up at Target after forgetting about early closing hours on Sundays at Ulta.

More ways to keep your nails healthy:
  1. Take a biotin supplement to help strengthen and to keep nails from splitting. 
  2. Clean your cuticles with cuticle oil or coconut oil.

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