Sunday, August 13, 2017

Doin' Some Cookin'... Collard Green Wraps

For the past year and a half I have been following a Whole30 lifestyle 90% of the time. One thing I do not miss is bread for sandwiches. Maybe because I always used whole wheat bread and never thought my sandwich got an flavor benefit from the bread. With Whole30 I have replaced bread with vegetables.

The other day I used a red bell pepper cut in half and filled it with more veggies and turkey to pack as a "sandwich" for lunch. Romaine lettuce leaves make the perfect vessel for tuna salad. Portobello mushrooms a bun for burgers. Oh, the possibilities.

New to me was using collard greens as a tortilla replacement. I was pleasantly surprised with how easy the leaves were to prep and how you can blanch a batch ahead of time to store for the work week for lunches.

Get yours daily greens by making these Collard Green Wraps. Completely customizable to fill the leaves with whatever your heart desires. Handheld low carb nutrient packed meal for the win!

Unrelated side note... I cannot believe the school year is two weeks away for my Little Man and that I will have a 4th grader. I'm going to miss the laid back summer schedule and not ready for what feel like rushed mornings and nights filled with homework and little quality time.

However, I do have one more meal idea when packing his lunches now.

Collard Green Wraps
Adapted From: Wake The Wolves
Makes 4 Servings

Stars of the Show:
  • 4 large collard greens, blanched in simmering water for 10 seconds
  • shredded red and green cabbage, to taste
  • shredded carrots, to taste
  • 1 avocado, sliced
  • 2 cooked chicken breasts, sliced 
And Action:

Lay one leaf on a plate and layer with the cabbage, carrots, avocado, and chicken making sure not to overfill the leaf. Roll up the leaf like you would a burrito. Enjoy!

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