Sunday, October 11, 2015

Livin' It Up... Parenting In An Age of Technology

I feel like my own childhood was warning enough of what to expect with raising a child and the hard stuff that comes with parenthood. With having a 7 year I'm over sleepless nights, teething, rolling on the floor temper tantrums, and potty training but have now entered into a new set of challenges... dealing with lying, back talking/arguing, and now trying to teach this Little Man repercussions for his actions and transitioning into a bigger Little Man, who as a member of the household, now has family responsibilities... chores, gasp!

The chore chart was born in our household after an iPad addiction and receiving attitude when asked to put it away for the night and it getting taken away until good behavior was demonstrated for "x" amount of time. I wouldn't tell him "you'll get it back in a week", instead, I would let him know that it was my decision to give it back once I felt that he was behaving appropriately. Of course, he needed reminders every once in a while that good behavior would bring it back.

The chore chart was introduced and hung up in his room near his dresser so he would see it every day. It took a brief explanation of what each item meant and what was expected.

Little Man knows if he wants to play with his iPad or watch TV he needs to make sure his chores are completed (obviously with the exception of the "getting ready for bed" item).

The chore chart has become such a lifesaver because it has helped him become more self sufficient, his day has even more structure, and we have not had any poor attitude since.

Milestones, such as Little Man being required to uphold his duties as an active member of the household is somewhat bittersweet. As I mentioned, he's become more self sufficient and that means he needs me less and less. As much as I looked forward to the days that he would be able to dress himself and help clean up the house a part of me is sad that he is growing independent from me.

However, it brings me great joy to watch him learn, grow, and mature with each passing day.

Not going to lie, if I could keep him under my wing forever I would.

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